The elections for the Directive Board of the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) took place last May 12th. The candidacy of List A won the elections with 71.43% of the votes cast.
On the 19th of the same month, the elections for the coordination of the three research lines of the CECS took place. Felisbela Lopes will coordinate the Media and Journalism group, Vítor de Sousa will coordinate the Cultural Studies group and António Vieira and Teresa Ruão will be the coordinators of the Communication, Territories, Organizations and Social Dynamics line.
Series of Talks and Round Tables “The Silence of the Earth” – Session 4: “From the intersection of segregated bodies: race and gender
The fourth session of the Series of Talks and Round Tables "Interpellations based on The Silence of the Earth. (Post)colonial visualities intersected by Diamang’s archive" will take place on June 4, at 3h00 p.m. With a hybrid format (presential and online), the session "From the intersection of segregated bodies: race and gender", will have the participation of Fátima Moura Ferreira (Lab2PT, UMinho), Alexandra Esteves (Lab2PT, UMinho), Ana Balona de Oliveira (IHA-FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Cristina Sá Valentim (CRIA, ISCTE), Filipa L. Valente (ICS, University of Lisbon) and Sheila Khan (CECS, University of Minho).Project “Culture and Development: Cultural Projects and the 2030 Agenda” has a new challenge in Brazil
Within the scope of the project "Culture and Development: Cultural Projects and the 2030 Agenda", the Observatory of Science, Communication and Culture Policies (CECS/UMinho) has extended its activities to the Brazilian territory, from a challenge launched by the Culture Management of the National Department of Sesc. The proposal is the adaptation and application of the methodology implemented in Portugal in the context of the Sesc units throughout Brazil.CECS participates in action-research project in the world’s largest refugee camp
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Rohingya refugee community in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, have just launched the website of the Rohingya Cultural Memory Centre, making official the project in which Lurdes Macedo, a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre, collaborates as a consultant in Cultural Studies.CECS participates in Infarmed’s team of consultants
Felisbela Lopes, a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre, integrates the team of experts, coordinated by Professors Raquel Duarte and Óscar Felgueiras, regularly heard at Infarmed. This associate professor with aggregation was invited to analyse the journalistic coverage of the pandemic and make proposals in the field of health communication, creating, for that, a team with researchers from the Universities of Coimbra and Católica.Permanent Seminar for Research and Community on the Festivity project
On June 2, at 2pm, the Permanent Seminar for Research and Community will take place entitled "Festivity, Heritage and Community Sustainability. Research and Communication in the case of Bugiada and Mouriscada de Sobrado". The scientific event dedicated to the Festivity project counts with the participation of Rita Ribeiro, Manuel Pinto, Carmo Daun e Lorena and Alberto Fernandes.Call for 3 Research Grants for Master’s Students
A call is open for 3 research grants for Master's students, based at CECS - Communication and Society Research Centre of the University of Minho, in the framework of the DataLab project, subproject SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. The call is open between 01 and 16 June 2021.COVID19 – The semiotics of the uses of face masks” conference
The online conference "COVID19 - The semiotics of the uses of face masks" will take place on 9 June at 10:00 a.m. and will have as speakers Patrizia Calefato (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro) and Luca Tateo (University of Oslo). The moderator will be Silvana Mota-Ribeiro (CECS, University of Minho).Interview with Carlos Veiga
Carlos Veiga is an Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the Department of Sociology of the University of Minho, where he also obtained his PhD in Sociology in 2004. He teaches the subjects of Methods and Techniques of Social Research, Sociology of Solidarity and Social Exclusion, Statistics and Data Analysis in Sociology, Sociology of Organizations and Sociology of Disability and Rehabilitation. The CECS researcher focuses his work in the field of disability and rehabilitation organisations of people with disabilities. In an interview, Carlos Veiga spoke about his academic path, the recent election to the Iberoamerican Association of Sociology of Organizations and Communication (AISOC) and the current state of research in Portugal.Review the seminar “From Modernising Traditions to the Glocalisation of Academia
The Permanent Seminar on Post-Colonial Studies entitled "From Modernising Traditions to the Glocalisation of the Academy" took place on 25 May at 4pm. The session was attended by José Castiano, Emília Afonso Nhalevilo, Armindo Armando, Sheila Khan, Adelino Assane and moderated by Jessemusse Cacinda.RLEC and Vista indexed in DOAJ
The Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies (RLEC) and Vista have just been included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The two journals of the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) belong, now, to the indexer that provides access to high-quality journals, promoting the increase of the reputation and the visibility of that journals.Presentation of the book “The World in Europe”
On June 4th, at 7 p.m., at Centésima Página bookshop (in Braga), the book O Mundo na Europa (The World in Europe), by Sheila Khan, Vítor de Sousa and Rita Ribeiro, will be presented. The presentation session will count with the presence of the three editors, with the commentary of Francisco Mendes, from the University of Minho, and with the moderation of António Jorge, from Antena 1.New publication on the political and discursive power of images of feminist protests
The book On the political and discursive power of images of feminist protests, edited by Zara Pinto-Coelho, Ana Maria Brandão and Silvana Mota-Ribeiro, has just been published.Vista: permanent call for papers from the new CECS journal
With a permanent call for papers, Vista accepts proposals for original and unpublished academic papers on topics related to the objectives and scope of the journal, in the form of articles, visual projects, reviews and interviews. Articles can be submitted in English or Portuguese.VIII Doctoral Conference in Communication and Cultural Studies
The VIII Doctoral Conference in Communication and Cultural Studies, organized by the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of the University of Minho, will take place on October 13 and 14, 2021, on the Gualtar campus, Braga.PhD viva of Cristiane Martins
The PhD exams in Communication Sciences, by Cristiane Venâncio de Oliveira Martins, will take place on June 14, at 2 pm. The thesis, supervised by Teresa Ruão and Ana Melo, has the title “Communication policies in public organizations: a look at Brazilian federal universities”.Marina Polo: new PhD in Communication Studies
The PhD exams in Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society by Marina Gomes de Oliveira Polo took place on May 20, at 2:30 pm. The thesis, supervised by Helena Sousa, has the title “Ideology, discourse and the Internet: an analysis of parliamentary speeches on net neutrality, in Portugal and Brazil (2006-2019)”.Francisca Amorim: new PhD in Communication Studies
Francisca Gonçalves Amorim's PhD viva in Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society took place on May 3rd at 2.30pm. The thesis is entitled "The Rhetoric of Affections. The case of the XX President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa".Review the doctoral seminar “What is the imaginary? Five versions”
On May 7, another Doctoral Seminar on Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies took place. Juremir Machado da Silva, professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, was the guest speaker and "What is the imaginary? Five versions" was the theme.