Call for Research Fellowship | PolObs platform
A call for applications for a research grant for a doctoral student under the PolObs platform is open until June 19.PolObs seminar “International cultural relations and cultural diplomacy in the CPLP”
The seminar ‘International cultural relations and cultural diplomacy in the CPLP: indigenous languages as strategic assets in the diversification of Brazil-Africa relations’ will be held on June 11 at 3 pm as part of the PolObs Culture 2024 Seminar Cycle - Connecting Doctoral Projects with Cultural Policies. The event will be broadcast online via Zoom.MilObs Seminar: Listening to children and young people: pedagogical and methodological implications for Media Literacy
The last session of the MilObs seminar cycle ‘Present and future of media literacy: contributions to a new agenda’ will be held on June 11 at 3pm online. The seminar will feature speeches by Sara Pereira, Daniel Brandão and Manuel Pinto and will focus on ‘Listening to children and young people: pedagogical and methodological implications for Media Literacy’.[NEW DEADLINE] 8th DIGICOM: International Conference on Design and Digital Communication
The call for papers for the 8th DIGICOM: International Conference on Design and Digital Communication is open untilCall for papers for the 10th International Congress on Cultures: Inclusion, Sensitivity and Development
The call for papers for the 10th International Congress on Cultures: Inclusion, Sensitivity and Development is open until August 15. With the theme ‘Inclusion, Sensitivity and Development’, the tenth meeting will be held in a hybrid format, with face-to-face and online sessions.Vista: Call for papers on “Media Arts: convergence of art spheres in the digital age”
It is open, between March 4 and July 21, 2024, the call for papers for Vista on “Media Arts: convergence of art spheres in the digital age”.Call for Training School: COMICSNeT – Climate, Outreach, Migration, Intersectionality, New Technologies in/through Comics Studies
The iCOn-MICs research project ‘Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels from the Iberian Cultural Area’ is pleased to organise the Training School at Universidade do Minho, titled ‘COMICSNeT – Climate, Outreach, Migration, Intersectionality, New Technologies in/through Comics Studies’.Summer School of Sopcom’s Young Researchers WG ‘Demystifying Science: From Production to Publication’
The fifth edition of the Summer School of the Young Researchers Working Group of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences will be held on 16 and 17 July 2024 at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Minho.Sara Rêgo: new PhD in Communication Sciences
The PhD viva of Sara Rêgo in Communication Sciences was held on May 17 at 9.30 am, at Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences. The thesis, supervised by Ana Melo, is entitled Comunicação para a Sustentabilidade: a influência do consumo consciente na comunicação corporativa em tempo Covid-19 [Communication for Sustainability: the influence of conscious consumption on corporate communication during Covid-19].PhD viva of Sílvia Fernandes
The PhD viva of Sílvia Fernandes in Communication Sciences will be held on June 13 at 2.30 pm, at Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences. The thesis, supervised by Daniel Brandão, is entitled Design para a Interação Periférica no Contexto Móvel [Design for Peripheral Interaction in the Mobile Context].Workshop “Participatory Methodologies for Social Research”
The workshop ‘Participatory Methodologies for Social Research’ with Luisa Salamanca Garnica will be held on June 3, at 9.00 am.