Newsletter nº 89 – September 2017

Time as a subject of discussion and debate in the decision-making contexts in science

– Ulrike Felt’s conference marked a two-day conference in which social studies of science and technology were debated

Ulrike Felt, a professor at the University of Vienna and President of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), gave the opening lecture of the “Routes of Sociology of Knowledge, Science and Technology in Portugal”, organized by the Knowledge, Science and Technology Thematic Section of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS) and by CECS. It was also supported by the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL).

The researcher spoked about “Academic line-ups: on life-lines, time-lines and trajectories towards the future”, where she promoted the analysis of some of the main directions of the times and the temporalities in academia and science. She analyzed, for instance, some of the directions of time and temporality(ies) in academia and science, and showed how the emphasis on innovation and the conception of market-oriented teaching and research imply profound changes in the ways of working and in the identities of scientists and academics. In this sense, Felt pointed to the relevance of turning time into a topic of discussion and debate in decision-making contexts.

The APS meeting, which brought together about 40 researchers, was held on 7 and 8 September in Braga.

All information about the event, which includes the video of the full conference of Ulrike Felt, can be accessed here.



Director: Moisés de Lemos Martins :: Vice-Directors: Luís António Santos and Rita Ribeiro :: Editor: Vítor de Sousa and Ricardina Magalhães


Conference “Where is our TV going to? 25 years of private TV and 60 years of public service”

Conference “Where is our TV going to? 25 years of private TV and 60 years of public service”

This is an important debate in Portuguese society when, in 2017, private TV celebrates 25 years, and the public television service, 60 years. For October 4 is scheduled a conference where will be discuss "where is our TV going to?", in three panels: "What centrality has won the television?", "What information do we want?", and "What entertainment on TV?". The event is organized by Felisbela Lopes (ICS / CECS) and Gustavo Cardoso (ISCTE) and will take place at ISCTE (Lisbon), starting at 2:00 p.m.


Manuel Pinto, member of the jury of the Evens Prize for Media Education 2017

Manuel Pinto, member of the jury of the Evens Prize for Media Education 2017

The researcher Manuel Pinto, coordinator of the CECS Media and Journalism Research Group, was in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, from September 21 to 22 for the Evens Foundation Media Education conference, invited as a member of the jury for the Evens Price for Media Education. In 2009, the first time the prize was awarded, it was won by two institutions: the British Film Institute and the CECS. In the case of the University of Minho proposal it included the production of three booklets aimed at parents.


Sara Pereira in the “Portuguese Initiative on Internet Governance”

Sara Pereira in the “Portuguese Initiative on Internet Governance”

The CECS researcher, Sara Pereira, will participate in the “Portuguese Initiative on Internet Governance”, which will take place at September 29, at IAPMEI in Lisbon. She will participate in the parallel session 1 (“Is the exercise of full citizenship possible without digital inclusion?”), Scheduled for 11.25 a.m. The “Portuguese Initiative on Internet Governance” is a national platform for dialogue that brings together social, public and private actors and the society itself at to inform, reflect and debate in an open and interactive way the increasingly relevant issue for national and international scenarios of Internet Governance.


Short films produced by students of Communication Sciences exhibited in the ‘Noite Branca’ of Braga

Short films produced by students of Communication Sciences exhibited in the ‘Noite Branca’ of Braga

The CECS was present at the 'Noite Branca de Braga ['White Night of Braga'], initiative which took place on September 2 and 3. A selection of short films produced by Communication Science students at the University of Minho in 2016 and 2017 was presented at the 'Casa dos Crivos' in the city center. It was within the framework of the 'STOP/PLAY' initiative, resulting from the involvement of the CECS with the candidacy of 'Braga Media Arts'.


III International Congress on Cultures: Interfaces of Lusofonia, from 23 to 25 November at UMinho

III International Congress on Cultures: Interfaces of Lusofonia, from 23 to 25 November at UMinho

The III International Congress on Cultures: Interfaces of Lusofonia will be held at the University of Minho from November 23 to 25, 2017 and is the result of a partnership between the University of Beira Interior and the Federal University of Bahia, on an organization of CECS (Communication and Society Research Center) of the University of Minho. The Congress will have six plenary sessions that seek to promote the interdisciplinary debate around topics such as cultural diversity, Portuguese language, science policy and communication science, digital literacy, communication, arts and popular culture. At the III International Congress on Cultures: Interfaces of Lusofonia will be present researchers from European and Portuguese-speaking countries, particularly from Angola, Brazil and Mozambique.


MIA-Media in Action project approved for funding by the European Commission

MIA-Media in Action project approved for funding by the European Commission

The II International Congress Cities in History: Society will be held in Guimarães (Centro Cultural Vila Flor), from October 18 to 20, and has the CECS associated with the organizing committee. In this second edition, the Congress intends to maintain its identity as a starting point, addressing the evolution of cities in different historical and geographical contexts, from the Old City to the Present City on the way to the Future, with a special focus on the cities of the Mediterranean world. The congress will be divided into five major thematic areas; the city in the ancient world, the city in the medieval times, the city in modern times, the city in the industrial times and finally the city of the current era. Each of these areas will have a plenary session structured around two speakers, and parallel sessions. The works will end with a roundtable discussion on the theme of the City of the Future.


II Congresso Internacional ‘As Cidades na História: Sociedade

II Congresso Internacional ‘As Cidades na História: Sociedade

The III 2CN-CLab Meeting "Culture, Cooperation and Networks" took place on September 7 and 8, at Viana do Castelo and Vila Nova de Cerveira. The initiative is part of the 2CN-CLab project, under Manuel Gama's postdoctoral research project entitled "Transnational Cultural Cooperation Networks", which is being developed with the support of FCT, based at the CECS, under the supervision of Helena Sousa. The next 2CN-CLab Meeting will be held in São Paulo (Brazil), on October 18 and 19, and will be co-promoted with the São Paulo Trade and Social Service Training Center.


2CN-CLab Meeting 2017 “Culture, Cooperation and Networks: Alto Minho” – Viana do Castelo and Vila Nova de Cerveira

2CN-CLab Meeting 2017 “Culture, Cooperation and Networks: Alto Minho” – Viana do Castelo and Vila Nova de Cerveira

"Policies for Audiovisual in Spain: From the digital blackout to the financial crisis" was the theme of the last Permanent Seminar on Communication and Culture Policies of the CECS, held on September 27 in the ICS Sala de Atos, ledded by María-Jesús Diaz, a professor and researcher at the University of A Coruña (Spain), which is developing a research office in the CECS in the area of communication policies. This seminar aimed to gather contributions to the researcher's work, which compares what happens in Portugal and Spain.


Cultural memory, image and archive in the II Visual Culture Meeting of Sopcom

Cultural memory, image and archive in the II Visual Culture Meeting of Sopcom

The II Meeting of Visual Culture of Sopcom, on the theme of cultural memory and archives, was held on September 14 and 15 at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho. This edition had more than twenty communications and three conferences around the issue of memory in its interjection with diverse subjects such as photography, cinema, television, propaganda, journalism and archeology. This initiative, from the Sopcom Visual Culture WG, was organized locally by CECS.


”Policies for Audiovisual in Spain: From digital blackout to financial crisis”

”Policies for Audiovisual in Spain: From digital blackout to financial crisis”

Stanislaw Jedrzejewski, Senior Lecturer in the Kozminski University (Poland) and a former Visiting Scholar of the CECS from 2009 to 2011, was recently honoured in Lublin, Poland, following his lifetime experience as radio professional and as an academic in the Radio Studies field. The ceremony took place on last 12th September, during the 5th Conference of ECREA Radio Research Section.


Transmedia Literacy International Conference: call for proposals until 31 October

Transmedia Literacy International Conference: call for proposals until 31 October

María Jesús Díaz González, professor in the Faculty of Sciences of the Communication of the University of Coruña (Spain),  will be until the end of October at the CECS to hold a research mission under the guidance of Helena Sousa, defends that “there are tensions between what technology allows and the interests of the industries involved in the audiovisual sector”.  The scope of her investigations focuses on communication structure and policies, and her work is mainly on the audiovisual sector.


Former CECS Visiting Scholar honoured in Poland

Former CECS Visiting Scholar honoured in Poland

The CECS researcher Maria do Carmo Piçarra organized, on the 7th of September at 7:00 p.m. in the Hangar-Center for Artistic Research (Lisbon), under the post-doctoral program ongoing at CECS (supervised by Rosa Cabecinhas), a conversation on "Militant Cinema and Images of the Algerian War of Independence", which was featured figure the French researcher Olivier Hadouchi. During the conversation were shown extracts of films and images.


Interview with María Jesús Díaz González

Interview with María Jesús Díaz González

María Jesús Díaz González, professora na Faculdade de Ciências da Comunicação da Universidade da Corunha (Espanha), que está até ao fim de outubro no CECS a realizar uma estância de investigação sob orientação de Helena Sousa, sustenta existirem "tensões entre o que a tecnologia permite e os interesses das indústrias envolvidas no setor audiovisual”. O âmbito das pesquisas desta investigadora espanhola incide sobre a estrutura e políticas de comunicação, sendo a maior parte dos seus trabalhos sobre o sector audiovisual.


Conversation with Olivier Hadouchi was moderated by Maria do Carmo Piçarra

Conversation with Olivier Hadouchi was moderated by Maria do Carmo Piçarra

Maria do Carmo Piçarra, investigadora do CECS, organizou no dia 7 de setembro (19h00), no Hangar-Centro de Investigação Artística (Lisboa), no âmbito do seu pós-doutoramento em curso no CECS, sob orientação de Rosa Cabecinhas, uma conversa sobre "Cinema militante e imagens da Guerra da Independência da Argélia", em que foi figura de destaque o investigador francês Olivier Hadouchi. Durante a conversa foram mostrados extratos de filmes e imagens.


Comunicação e Sociedade accepted for online portal

Comunicação e Sociedade accepted for online portal

Comunicação e Sociedade journal, one of the scientific publications of CECS, was accepted in the online platform This is an open access portal, containing over 400 books, journals and articles in the Humanities and Social Sciences field.  With this new international network presence, the CECS publication pursues the purpose of reaching new academic audiences, following an open access policy.


Sound and culture: call for papers for the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies

Sound and culture: call for papers for the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies

To promote the refection on the sound experience and expressive power of sound is the main objective of the first volume of 2018 of the Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais/Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies (RLEC, v.5, nº1). The publication, which is scheduled for June 2018, is subordinated to the theme "Texturas sonoras: o lado acústico da cultura"/"Sound textures: the acoustic face of culture". The volume is coordinated by Madalena Oliveira, Pedro Portela and Eduardo Vicente, and the call for papers is open until November 30.


“Comunicação e Sociedade”, 33: call for papers until September 30, 2017

“Comunicação e Sociedade”, 33: call for papers until September 30, 2017

It is open until November 30 the call for papers for Comunicação e Sociedade journal nº33, a thematic number about "Epistemology and Methodology in Communication", that will be edited by Sandra Marinho (CECS-University of Minho) and Miguel Vicente Mariño (University of Valladolid, Spain). Comunicação e Sociedade is an indexed double blind peer-review journal. The issue number will be published in June 2018.


CECS researcher invited to edit special number of Mexican journal

CECS researcher invited to edit special number of Mexican journal

Sara Pereira, researcher and member of the "Media and Journalism" group of CECS, is one of the invited editors of the upcoming issue of Mexican scientific journal Comunicación y Sociedad, subject to the title "Transmedia alphabetism", which has deadline for submitting articles open until December 15. This journal is edited by the Universidad de Guadalajara, in Mexico.


eBook “Contributos do Congresso Internacional ‘Redes de Cooperação Cultural Transnacionais: Um olhar sobre a realidade lusófona’”

eBook “Contributos do Congresso Internacional ‘Redes de Cooperação Cultural Transnacionais: Um olhar sobre a realidade lusófona’”

The eBook Contributos do Congresso Internacional "Redes de Cooperação Cultural Transnacionais: Um olhar sobre a realidade lusófona” edited by Manuel Gama and Helena Sousa, and that has the seal of the CECS, is now available in free access. This eBook is published following the project “Redes de Cooperação Cultural Transnacionais: Portugal europeu, lusófono e ibero-americano”[Transnational Cultural Cooperation Networks: European Portuguese, Lusophone and Ibero-American], a post-doctoral research project, supported by FCT, which is to be developed in Portugal, Spain and Brazil by Manuel Gama, and is supervised by Helena Sousa. The publication brings together the contributions of the international congress "Transnational Cultural Cooperation Networks: A look at the Portuguese-speaking reality", which was held at the ICS UMinho on November 15 and 16, 2016 and was organized by CECS.


Nuno Artur Silva in the opening of Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies doctoral courses

Nuno Artur Silva in the opening of Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies doctoral courses

Nuno Artur Silva, current administrator of RTP-Radio and Television of Portugal (Public Media Television Service) for the content and programming area, will give the inaugural lecture of the two doctoral courses to which CECS is associated (Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies), under the theme "The media, public service and culture: the role of RTP". The ceremony is scheduled for October 13 (2:30 pm), in the Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Minho).


Sílvia Raquel Barros Pinto: new PhD in Communication Sciences

Sílvia Raquel Barros Pinto: new PhD in Communication Sciences

Sílvia Raquel Pinto is the new PhD in Communication Sciences, having defended her doctoral exam on September 15 (2:30 p.m.) in the ICS auditorium at UMinho (Braga). The thesis is directed by Nelson Zagalo and Lia Raquel Oliveira, and is entitled "The Storytelling as Pedagogical Process of Artistic-Cultural Appropriation: Journey in the Work of Hieronymus Bosch Mediated by a Tangible Surface". The research of the new PhD came from the development of a prototype of a multimedia solution that aims to create a new communication model to be used in art museums, based on the work of the painter Hieronymus Bosch.