New content for information and communication literacy: the future is already here

The MilObs Seminar “New content for information and communication literacy” will take place on December 12 at 2.30pm via Zoom, with Manuel Pinto and Sara Pereira.

Denis McQuail contrasted two perspectives on communication and media studies that could well be applied to media education: one centred on the media themselves and the other centred on social and cultural processes, including information and communication.

Consistent with MILObs’ current initiative to “rescue” communication within media literacy education endeavours and research, this seminar aims to deliver fresh perspectives emerging from this reorientation. Registration — free but required — can be completed here. As in previous sessions, Manuel Pinto will be the keynote speaker, with Sara Pereira moderating the event.

We have analysed the constraints of a media education agenda that revolves solely around a single theme, polarised by disinformation. Pursuing such a trajectory poses the risk of overlooking a comprehensive analysis of the information phenomenon in all breadth and complexity, as well as neglecting the challenges of communication within our lives and societies, including issues related to ineffective communication or even miscommunication.

We will propose and debate three themes during the seminar, providing the rationale for incorporating them systematically into the “work and days” of media and communication literacy education:

  • Communication in conflict management and educommunication for peace;
  • The communication and information ecosystem and its role in the quality of life;
  • Communication as a sustainable development objective.

Hence, the objective is to broaden the horizons of conventional media education as it has been structured in recent decades, creating an environment conducive to new dialogues and partnerships where communication, in general, and media education, in particular, can contribute from a perspective of serving the community.

Furthermore, it involves highlighting how, by placing people and communities at the forefront, we can take care of the journeys and experiences of each group and each person without decontextualising the place of the media.

Those interested in taking part in this seminar are encouraged to reflect on two specific aspects:

  • What questions do some major current events raise that converge with the themes that will be discussed?
  • What experiences or initiatives do you know of or have you already undertaken — in your family, at school, in your neighbourhood — that resonate with some of these concerns?
[Posted: 30-11-2023]