CECS researcher Anabela Carvalho is one of the editors of the special issue of the Brazilian journal “Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente” [“Development and Environment”], subject to the title “Communication and Climate Change”. The issue is now published.
Articles in English, French and Portuguese analyse several aspects of the communication about climate change in the media, stating that meat is now absent of this discussion, the fallacies within the ‘green economy’ discourse and the debate towards the agonizing state of slow journalism.
In the editorial “Communication and Climate Change: a Necessary and Urgent Discussion”, the editors of this special issue – Anabela Carvalho and Eloisa Loose – argue that climate change, as an urgent problem with diverse social impacts, is an indispensable subject for the media, as is it “through them that citizens can learn about the causes and consequences of climate change processes, not only from the scientific point of view, but also from the political, economic and cultural dimensions. The relationship between Communication and Climate Changes is crucial for the understanding of its risks, especially if we assume that people will only understand the effects of such processes in the meantime, by reading those content in the press”.
This journal features also two articles from CECS researchers: “Climate change on Twitter: the emergence of the media and politics” (Alice Dutra Balbé and Anabela Carvalho), and “Behaviors and perceptions about public participation in science and technology and climate change: The cases of Portugal and Spain” (Liliana Oliveira and Anabela Carvalho).
This journal is open Access, here.
Vítor de Sousa