The coronavirus and us: silences, disinformation and solidarity

“The coronavirus and us: silences, disinformation, and solidarity” is the topic under discussion at the Lúcio Craveiro da Silva Library, on February 27, at 6 pm.

Sun Lam, professor of Chinese Language and Culture at ILCH-UM, Rosa Cabecinhas, professor of Intercultural Communication and researcher at CECS, Manuel Pinto, professor of Communication Sciences and researcher at CECS, and António Lázaro, director of Instituto Confúcio, are the speakers of this session that aims to reflect on the impact of the COVID19-Coronavirus epidemic, from the point of view of information, fears and behaviors.

This session is an initiative of MILOBS – Observatory of Media Literacy, in collaboration with the Doctoral Program of Cultural Studies at the University of Minho.

[Posted: 24-02-2020]