Research opportunities in PR, one of the key topics of a conference co-organized by the CECS

The XII International Conference on Public Relations, held in the Pontevedra campus of the University of Vigo, from 3rd May to 5th May 2017, was the site for a wide discussion on the future potentialities of research In the PR scientific area, among Portuguese and Spanish scholars. In this event, intervenients talked about the importance of PR strategies in the health communication processes, as well as the challenges posed by the social media in a new communicative ecosystem.

The CECS was actively involved in the organization of this conference. Ana Melo was chairing the Plenary Session “Public Relations, Media and Spceialized Areas”, Paulo Salgado participated in the panel “The Professional Sector of PR”, and Teresa Ruão and Ana Isabel Lopes presented the communication “The role of social media in the scope of the internal communication processes in business companies”.


Text: Fábio Ribeiro and Ana Isabel Lopes

Photos: Teresa Ruão