Passeio, the CECS Urban Art and Culture platform, has just launched a new Category in its Gallery: “Reading the signs of the city”. The first entry in this space is the publication of the micro-essay “Looking at the clotheslines and making a “place” out of them (in the style of Tuan)”.
“Reading the signs of the city…” is a sub-project of Passeio, with the aim of producing semiotic reading exercises of the multiple material expressions of urban culture (advertising, shop windows, signs, architecture, sound and sensory ambience, performativity in public space…) and publishing them, in the form of micro-essays, in the project’s gallery.
The idea is that this section will be open to both WG members and the academic and possibly non-academic community interested in the theme and approach. There is also the possibility of reading the imagery of the city as represented in different media (cinema, visual arts, literature, etc.).
This new category is an initiative proposed by the partnership between Passeio and Sopcom’s Semiotics Working Group, currently coordinated by Helena Pires and Cynthia Luderer.