Patrícia Posch: new PhD in Cultural Studies

On September 16, at 2.30 p.m., the PhD exams in Cultural Studies of Patrícia Posch took place.

The thesis, supervised by Rosa Cabecinhas, has the title As narrativas da migração entre o relato biográfico e o discurso mediático: o caso da imigração brasileira recente em Portugal (The narratives of migration between the biographical account and the media discourse: the case of recent Brazilian immigration in Portugal).

The jury, presided by Helena Sousa, was composed of:

Maria Rosa Soares Pedrosa Cabecinhas, Associate Professor with Aggregation, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;

Maria Clara Moreira Taborda de Almeida Santos, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra;

Silvana Ferreira da Silva Mota Ribeiro, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;

José Gabriel Oliveira Andrade Júnior, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;

Ana Cristina Ribeiro Pereira, PhD in Cultural Studies, Integrated Researcher, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra;

Denise Cogo, Full Professor, Postgraduate Programme in Communication and Consumer Practices, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), São Paulo, Brazil.

[Posted: 19-09-2022]