Pedro Portela hosts the debate about the movie “Silence”

CECS researcher Pedro Portela will host the debate “Religion and Murder in Japan’s 17th century”, next Monday, 3rd April, 9 p.m, in Public Library Lúcio Craveiro da Silva, in Braga, based in the latest Martin Scorcese movie “Silence”. The invited speakears are Álvaro Balsas, a jesuist priest and lecturer at the Catholic University of Braga, as well as Alexandra Esteves, lecturer in the same institution. According to Portela, the event intends to “talk about the strong messages of the movie, with a formative purpose”.

The movies dates back to the 17th century, when two Portuguese Jesuit priests travel to Japan in an attempt to locate their mentor, who is rumored to have committed apostasy, and to propagate Catholicism.

Photo: Público.