PolObs: Study on cultural dynamics in Torres Novas will have a public presentation 

The first phase of the study “Dinâmicas Culturais em Torres Novas 2020: contributos para a elaboração do Plano Estratégico Municipal para a Cultura” developed by the Observatory for Science, Communication and Culture Policies (PolObs), will be presented this Friday, July 16, 7:00 pm, at the auditorium of the Municipal Library Gustavo Pinto Lopes, in the city of Torres Novas.

In this public presentation of the project, the researcher responsible for the study, Manuel Gama, will disclose the characterization of the cultural public in Torres Novas; the degree of satisfaction about the municipal cultural dynamics; the strategies adopted by the municipal equipment and the profile of the potential public in Torres Novas.

The second phase is to scientifically and technically accompany the Municipal Strategic Plan of Culture of Torres Novas.

[Posted: 16-07-2021]