As COVID-19 got closer to Portugal and the Portuguese cultural sector (which can be symbolically highlighted, with the news of February 29, 2019 that the Chilean writer Luís Sepúlveda had contracted the virus and that, in the same time, had been present in Portugal at a major literary event), it became increasingly clear that Portugal and the national cultural sector were not immune to the pandemic decreed by the WHO on March 9, 2020.
The sequence of events and initiatives that occurred, very quickly, in the first half of March 2020 in Portugal, and that were triggered by the first positive case diagnosed on March 1, revealed unequivocally that the impacts that the situation would cause would be nouns and transformers of Portuguese society.
This background helped POLObs to consider it relevant and pertinent to develop a research project that aims to identify and analyze some of the impacts of COVID-19 in the Portuguese cultural sector.
More info here.