Deeply organised on the basis of visual communication models, Western societies invest in the image a significant part of their cultural productions. Therefore, both learning and representation processes are now centred on visibility schemes that make the human experience essentially a seen phenomenon. Although everyday life and social and cultural history also have a sound matrix, as relevant source of information and knowledge such as word or image, the acoustic environment is perceived as a secondary reality. Although listening is a permanent activity, sound is a language often neglected both in its expressive dimension and in its identity extension. Based on the conviction that cultural diversity is also based on auditory memory, AUDIRE is defined as a project that aims to create a social awareness on the relevance of sound as a form of expression and to explore the innovative and creative potential of sound narratives.
Period | 2018-2021
Funding | Foundation for Science and Technology
Budget | 188.913,12 €
Principal Investigator | Madalena Oliveira
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