The objective is to know and problematize the experiences of this population with the media. In view of their practices and perceptions, it is intended to understand the role (roles) that the media play in their daily lives and to give them the opportunity to express themselves, in different ways and by various means, about these experiences. The school media will also be the object of study and intervention, seeking to space par excellence for the expression of participation.
There are several questions that are on the table: in your relationship with the media, what gives children and young people satisfaction and enjoyment? But, also, what bothers and worries them? What themes most lead you to speak up? And what formats most captivate you when it comes to producing? Here are some of the starting questions.
The research design – which combines quantitative and qualitative, traditional and participatory methodologies – recognizes children and young people as a place of social actors and agents of change.
Exploring the expressive and creative streak of the participants will also be part of the project, which will meet your target audience in formal and informal learning contexts. Another vector of bYou is related to the encouragement of reflective and critical media practices, in a perspective of Literacy for the Media.
Principal researcher: Sara Pereira
Team: Daniel Brandão, Manuel Pinto, Clarisse Pessôa, Conceição Costa, Diana Pinto, Margarida Toscano and Pedro Portela.
Main R&D unit: Communication and Society Research Centre
Funding: € 241 808.75