CreE.A – Construction of an European Space of Mediation for the social inclusion

This project follows the general outcomes of the Arlekin project as to consolidate the training and professionalization processes of social mediators through Europe. It purposes to build a European Mediation area for social inclusion. Its mains objectives are: preventing violent radicalisation and promoting democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and active citizenship; fostering mutual understanding and respect among people with different ethnic or religious backgrounds, beliefs or convictions, including by addressing stereotypes and promoting intercultural dialogue; encouraging youth participation in social and civic life and developing inclusion and outreach practices to reach young people.

Project tasks

– fostering three European tours of Social Mediatiors, in a mobility programme of 42 elements through 7 European countries;
– creating an European Observatory towards social mediation practices;
– organizing three European conferences on the prevention of violent radicalism, intercultural dialogue and mediation for social inclusion;
– producing documents on these area for national and international dissemination.

Seven countries participate in this project: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Portugal. Ana Maria Silva (CECS) is the Portuguese coordinator and Rosa Cabecinhas, also from CECS, integrates the research team.

Project funding: ERASMUS+, EACEA N° 580448-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN.