The success of the 15-minute city is closely tied to its implementation in the hyperconnected cities best suited to adopt it. However, achieving a sustainable urban transition requires addressing other forms of European urbanisation, particularly the extensive peri-urban areas where many people live and work. In these areas, spatial morphologies and networks are not always ready to receive 15-minute city models, and there may be misalignment between governments and communities regarding their principles. Nonetheless, interventions to improve quality of life, proximity, and accessibility are urgently needed.
InPUT advances these efforts by analysing different types of peri-urban areas and designing specific configurations for the 15 minutes that suit these diverse contexts. Thus, the project goes beyond considering only spatial aspects (TOD, functions, networks) by also examining social aspects, namely governance capacities, which influence investments and priorities, and inhabitants’ aspirations, which determine which elements constitute ‘their’ 15-minute city and the attractiveness of transformations. Based on a selection of peri-urban areas in four countries, InPUT establishes, through collaboration with local stakeholders, a typological catalogue of functional arrangements, mobility networks, governance dynamics and community experiences. This knowledge is then used to co-conceive locally appropriate spatial visions and strategic transformations that enable 15-minute environments. A third work package evaluates the performance and potential of these emerging visions along the key routes of the 15-minute city. InPUT clarifies how the 15-minute city ideas can be extended and supported across Europe, promoting fairer and more cohesive territories.
Principal investigator (CECS): Pedro Chamusca
Funding period: 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2026