The PhD exams in Communication Sciences of Lina Moscoso Teixeira will take place on June 13, at 10 a.m, via Zoom.
The thesis, supervised by Felisbela Lopes, is entitled “News coverage in a pandemic situation: analysis of the mediatisation of Covid-19 in the main news program of the public service operator in Portugal (Telejornal)”.
The jury, presided by Helena Sousa, is composed by:
– Felisbela Maria Carvalho Lopes, Associate Professor with Aggregation, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;
– Ana Teresa Fernandes Peixinho de Cristo, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra;
– Maria Clara Moreira de Almeida Santos, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra;
– Luís António Martins dos Santos Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;
– Catarina do Amaral Dias Duff Burnay, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Catholic University;
– Rita Alexandra Manso Araújo, Junior Researcher, Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho.