The PhD exams in Communication Sciences of Lina Moscoso Teixeira will take place on the May, 24, at 2 p.m., in the Sala de Atos of the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (Institute of Social Sciences).
The thesis, supervised by Luís António Martins dos Santos and Ana Margarida Ferreira Rato Jorge, is entitled “Network activism: criticism of alternative media to the current politics in Brazil, Spain and Portugal”.
The jury, presided by Helena Machado, is composed by:
-Felisbela Maria Carvalho Lopes, Associate Professor with Aggregation, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;
-Inês de Oliveira Castilho e Albuquerque Amaral, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information, Faculty of Letters, University of Coimbra;
-António Maria Salvado Coxito Granado, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon;
-Luís António Martins dos Santos, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;
-Pedro José Ermida Figueiredo Fernandes Portela, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;
-Kamila Bossato Fernandes, Assistant Professor, Institute of Culture and Art, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil.