PhD viva of Maria José Francisco da Costa

The PhD viva of Maria José Francisco da Costa in Sociology will be held on March 24, at 2.30 pm, at Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences.

The thesis, supervised by Ivo Domingues, is entitled A governança da escola no ensino regular: análise organizacional (The governance of the school in regular education: an organisational analysis).

The jury, chaired by Paula Remoaldo, is composed by:

– Jorge Adelino Rodrigues da Costa, Full Professor, Department of Education and Psychology, University of Aveiro;

– Carlos Alberto da Silva, Full Professor, Department of Medical Sciences and Health, University of Évora;

– Carlos Gil Correia Veloso da Veiga, Associate Professor with Aggregation, Department of Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho;

– José Manuel Leal Saragoça, Associate Professor, Sociology Department, University of Évora;

– Alice Maria Delerue Alvim de Matos, Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, Social Sciences Institute, University of Minho;

– Ivo Manuel Pontes Domingues, Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, Social Sciences Institute, University of Minho.

[Posted: 03-02-2023]