

Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais / Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies (e-ISSN: 2183-0886 | ISSN: 2184-0458) is a thematic journal of the area of Cultural Studies. Published since 2013 in the OJS system, this journal has a rigorous scientific arbitration system and is published in Portuguese and English twice a year. From 2013 to 2016, was published by the University of Minho and Aveiro, in conjunction with the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies. From 2017 onwards it is published exclusively by the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho. The editorial board of Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais / Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies integrates renowned specialists in Cultural Studies from all over the world.

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Communication and mediation in/of Art

Zara Pinto-Coelho, Helena Pires & Jean-Marie Lafortune

10(1) | 2023 | CECS

“In this volume, we present contributions that are part of this debate around the notion of artistic mediation, its professionalisation/teaching and how it operates in different institutional contexts. In cultural studies and communication sciences, particularly in the Lusophone context, the interest and research on the relationship between mediation, communication, and art are still incipient. This issue highlights the need to further invest in this area”. [Introductory note]