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Epistemology and Methodologies in Communication

Sandra Marinho & Miguel Vicente Mariño

vol. 33 - 2018 | CECS-UMinho

ISSN:2183-3575 (online) / 1645-2089 (print)

“This issue of Comunicação e Sociedade is underpinned by this intellectual position and offers a relevant collection of articles that explore several core aspects required to conduct well-founded studies. Furthering our relationship as Media and Communication scholars with the way that we design and apply our research is essential to strengthen our field’s institutional position. The social conditions of knowledge production have turned into an appealing object of enquiry, claiming the need for epistemological reflection regarding research with a broader focus on social phenomena: short-term targets must be complemented by more in-depth analysis about what, why and how we select and approach research topics, questions and hypotheses. Conducting research in a technologically-advanced domain cannot mean leaving behind some of the main and broader philosophical questions about our role as social scientists and intellectuals. Consequently, itis still necessary to claim the need for relevant approaches to Epistemology and Methodologies, as a way to extract ourselves from regular routines in our scientific practices and
institutional demands that affect the daily lives of most scholars worldwide” [Introductory note]