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É uma revista científica de Cultura Visual e de Artes Digitais. Pretende promover o debate transdisciplinar em torno dos processos de mediação visual da cultura, que além dos estudos sobre fotografia, cinema, televisão, publicidade, jogos de vídeo, média digitais, inclui hoje as artes tecnológicas e as media arts.

A revista foi criada em 2015 pelo Grupo de Trabalho de Cultura Visual da Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação (Sopcom) e, no segundo semestre de 2020, passou a ser editada pelo Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS), do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho.

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Aesthetics in Distress: Gender-Based Violence and Visual Culture

Ece Canlı & Nicoletta Mandolini

Nº 10 | 2022 | CECS


For this issue’s thematic section, we aim to select contributions from feminists, activists, academics, artists, independent researchers, and others who work on gender-based violence, its perpetrators and its victims/survivors on all subject matters that merge gender violence and visual culture. These will include case studies and wider scholarly examinations of artistic and media products aimed at sustaining or challenging gender-based violence in the realms of the symbolic, the discursive, the affective and the material. By gathering contributions that touch upon different research fields and investigating cultural or media products distributed in various cultural contexts, we stressed our interest in promoting a transdisciplinary and transcultural reflection on gender violence and the challenges of our contemporary visual culture.