Felisbela Lopes
2017 | CECS-UMinho
“In the Unit of Specialized Journalism of the 2nd Cycle of Communication Sciences of the University of Minho, we wanted to study the mediatization that the President of the Republic was targeting during his first term in 2008. We did this through the analysis of Portuguese general daily newspapers: Diário de Notícias, Público, Jornal de Notícias and Correio da Manhã, the first two are reference journals and the other two have a more popular line. Our universe was composed only of journalistic articles published during the first year of the first term of the 20th President of the Republic, adding 908 news texts. (…)
The result of this analysis is opened from here in texts signed by the students of the 2nd Cycle of Communication Sciences of the University of Minho “[Introductory note]