Moisés de Lemos Martins
2004 | CECS
This scientific programme, included in the teaching project of Semiotics, is extended and deepened, as required, in the 3rd year of the course within the subject of Discourse Theory and Analysis. However, this programme intersects with the teaching projects of subjects as diverse as Techniques of Expression, included in the course’s 1st year, Theories of Communication in the 2nd year and Sociology of Communication in the 3rd year. Assuming Greimas’ belief that “the theory of generalised communication should be placed under the aegis of signification and not of information” – reiterated by Geninasca, despite the different methodological presuppositions – Semiotics vies with the Theories of Communication for the privilege of being “a subject focused on the rigorous and comprehensive definition of the foundations and components of the area of knowledge designated by the terms Social Communication”.