Evaluation process

The evaluation process of proposals submitted for dual label publication will be developed according to the workflow defined in the Regulations of UMinho Editora. CECS is responsible for managing the process of drawing up opinions, peer review and editorial decision proposals. The editorial process will observe the following steps: 

– Sending the proposal to CECS non-periodical publications managers; 

– Decision of proposal eligibility by CECS and appointment of a CECS member to draw up an opinion, which should also recommend two reviewers to assess the complete work; 

– Approval/ratification of CECS’ opinion by the CCE of UMinho Editora; 

– Upon positive opinion by CECS and approval/ratification by the CCE of UMinho Editora, the book is sent for peer review, a process that will be managed by CECS’ editors; 

– CECS evaluates the results of the external peer review and sends UMinho Editora a decision proposal, based on the reviewers’ comments. Should a proposal for publication be accepted, the UMinho Editora collection in which the work should be included must also be identified; 

– Based on CECS’ proposal, the CCE of UMinho Editora issues the final decision, which may be mediated and agreed upon should there be disagreement between the parties.