“Public radio and television in the Internet media ecosystem” on the next doctoral seminar

“Public radio and television in the Internet media ecosystem” is the theme of the next doctoral seminar of Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies that will take place on May 3 at 10:00 am in the auditorium of Engineering II.

The seminar will be attended by Francisco Campos-Freire, from the Research Group New Media, University of Santiago de Compostela. Professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Francisco Campos-Freire is also an honorary professor at the Private Technical University of Loja. He has worked for 25 years as a journalist in Lugo of the regional newspaper La Voz de Galicia, director and deputy director of the newspaper La Región de Ourense, manager of the Agencia Galega de Noticias, General Director of the Company of Radio Televisión de Galicia and president of the Federation of Organizations of Radio Televisión Autonómicos (FORTA) of Spain. He has led a number of research projects on public radio broadcasts and has published several research books and nearly a hundred scientific papers. His lines of research are on the public audiovisual service in Europe, information business management, regulation, governance and media financing, digital social networks and innovations in media organizations.

In the afternoon, the seminar continues with the workshop on “Ethnography: how to use”. Starting at 2:30 p.m., in the ICS, this workshop will be given by the researcher Luís Cunha.

The immediate association of anthropology with a research technique – field work with participant observation – must be read from at least two dimensions. On the one hand, from the point of view of the researcher, as a challenge – which from a certain point of view was also a limitation. On the other hand, in the broader configuration of the social sciences, as a brand strong enough to contaminate the methodological approach of other disciplines. The temporal thickness, considered from “classical anthropology” to the present, helps to perceive these dimensions, but also to prospect the relevance of the ethnographic approaches in the investigations that are now beginning.

Luís Cunha holds a degree in Social Anthropology (ISCTE) and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Minho. An integrated researcher at the Center for Research in Anthropology (CRIA), he has focused his work on two distinct but contiguous areas. On the one hand, the approach of national identities and on the other to social memory.

[Posted: 04-04-2019]