FCT announced today the provisional results of the Call for the Award of Studentships for Doctoral Research in all Scientific Domains 2023. The Communication and Society Research Centre is the host institution for at least 12 fellowships awarded in the areas of Communication Sciences and Sociology.
The selection of applicants took into account the merit of the applicant, the merit of the work plan and the merit of the hosting conditions.
In the panel of Communication Sciences, at a national level, 30 scholarships were provisionally awarded, of which a dozen were submitted by doctoral students associated with CECS. The numbers foreseen in this call consolidate the role of CECS in doctoral training in Communication Sciences in Portugal. In this regard, we recall the study published by the Observatory of Policies on Science, Communication and Culture (PolObs) earlier this year.
In the Sociology panel, from a total of 38 scholarships awarded in the country, two are also from CECS doctoral students.
The provisional results of this call have been communicated to all applicants, who now have access to the comments justifying the classification assigned to their application. If applicants disagree with the proposed decision, they may submit a statement at the preliminary hearing of interested parties, until 14/08/2023, which will be analysed by the respective evaluation panel. The final results of the call will be released by FCT by the end of October 2023.