Comunicação e Sociedade scientific journal, edited by the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) at the University of Minho, was accepted for indexation in Scopus, from Elsevier, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, ranging from scientific journals, books to conference proceedings. Scopus encompasses more than 22000 titles, from 5000 international editors. The Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) of Scopus has pointed out that “the journal maintains a convincing editorial policy and the title publishes excellent content relevant to its field” to justify its decision.
As Comunicação e Sociedade is now part of this rigorous evaluation system, this is one more strategy to strengthen the scientific credibility of this journal, as well as to promote the visibility of the publications in this regard within the academic community worldwide.
This journal will now start a three-month process of inclusion in Scopus. In Portugal, only three scientific journal in the Communication Sciences field are included in the same database.