[NEW DEADLINE] RLEC | Call for papers | New Domains of the Science-Society Binomial

Editors: Elsa Costa e Silva (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal), Marta Entradas (University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal/London School of Economics, United Kingdom) and Luisa Massarani (National Institute of Public Communication in Science and Technology/Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil)

The importance of science in contemporary society is indisputable. However, this is also the historical period when the proliferation of false news, pseudoscience, misinformation, and distrust of scientific research has increased the most. This paradox has been tackled by developing initiatives to promote scientific culture among citizens and a wider dialogue between scientists and society.

The “open science” movement is part of this context. It designates the various efforts to make scientific research (including publications, data, physical samples, and software) and its dissemination accessible to all amateur or professional groups of society. In November 2021, the Unesco General Assembly approved a recommendation on open science, calling member states to develop policies and incentives for open science.

Intrinsically related to this movement, “citizen science”, stemming from the direct participation of citizens in scientific projects, gives new clues about the conditions for effective citizen participation in scientific governance and production. Both movements seek to tighten the connection of the non-specialised public to science as a social field of knowledge production. Furthermore, it is important to reflect on the new informal contexts of public engagement and their potential to develop scientific culture.

The present issue of the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies seeks to motivate the reflection and deepen the knowledge within the Lusophone countries about the new practices that strengthen the relationship between science and society, opening the vast field of knowledge to wider participation of citizens. Articles on open science, citizen science, and involvement of the non-specialised public, especially in informal contexts, within the Lusophone countries will be accepted. Particular attention will be given to contributions on the following issues:

  • challenges and impacts on the public, scientists and scientific practices, of open science and citizen science;
  • citizens’ expectations in engaging in citizen science projects;
  • integrity and ethics in citizen science and open science projects;
  • citizen science and open science as public engagement with science;
  • informal experiences and contexts of public engagement;
  • case studies and their assessment.



Submission of proposals: February 1, 2022
Full article submission deadline: March 15, 2022 March 30, 2022
Editor’s decision on full articles: June 7, 2022
Deadline for sending the full version and translated version: September 20, 2022
Issue publication date: December 2022



Articles can be submitted in English or Portuguese. After the peer review process, the authors of the selected articles should ensure translation of the respective article, and the editors shall have the final decision on the publication of the article.



Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is an open-access academic journal that adheres to the stringent standards of peer-reviewing and blind peer reviewing.  Each article will be peer-reviewed by two referees against the following acceptance criteria: academic quality, originality, and relevance to the respective call for papers, to the objectives and scope of the journal.

Original articles are submitted on the journal’s website at https://www.rlec.pt/. When submitting for the first time to the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, please register here.

Publication guidelines are available here.

For further contact please refer to rlec@ics.uminho.pt

[Posted: 16-12-2021 | Modified: 15-03-2022]