Between January 15 and March 29 April 22, the call for papers for the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies on “Migration, Communication, and Activism: Experiences and Debates” is open.
Editors: Isabel Macedo, Rosa Cabecinhas (CECS, Universidade do Minho, Portugal) e Susana de Andrés (Universidade de Valladolid, Spain)
Media narratives about migration often reinforce territorial and symbolic borders, and it is essential to analyse migrants’ media interventions, specifically how they use the media to express their experiences, challenge these borders and build alternative futures.
A focused and comparative analysis is pivotal to understanding the dynamics of change generated by migrants and the media’s role in these processes. Which narratives are given visibility by the media? What amnesias remain? What dynamics do we observe in the media use by migrants and racialised people? By acknowledging the close link between memory and action, memory activism holds the potential to transform the present and build other futures.
This issue focuses explicitly on migrant and racialised people’s media use and practices and their representation in the media. Drawing on approaches from communication studies and cultural studies and integrating insights from other areas of knowledge, this issue’s primary goal is to explore how communication and migration studies can challenge established notions surrounding diaspora, identities, cultures, nation, family, literacy, digital networks, youth, body, gender, and other pertinent topics.
We welcome empirical contributions addressing the following topics and other subjects within the field of media and migration:
– Experiences of (im)mobility and their mediation
– Migrations and eco-transition
– Transnational comparisons of media practices in communicating migration
– Media representations of migration
– Media culture, racialisation processes and intersectionalities
– Mediated experiences of family migration
– Media productions by migrants and racialised people
– Artistic practices and media use among migrants
– Migrations, media, and action research
– Migrations, media activism and social change
– Digital technologies in the governance and management of migration and borders
– Migration and the decolonisation of knowledge
– Challenges and innovations in methodologies for communication and migration studies
– Intercultural communication and the media
– Mnemonic activism, arts, and media
Submission of full manuscripts: January 15 to March 29 April 22, 2024
Papers can be submitted in English or Portuguese. The articles selected for publication will be translated into Portuguese or English, respectively, and published in both languages.
Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is an open-access academic journal that adheres to stringent peer-reviewing and blind peer-reviewing standards. After submission, each paper will be distributed to two reviewers previously invited to evaluate it according to its academic quality, originality, and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme of this issue of the journal.
Original articles are submitted on the journal’s website at ( When submitting to the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies for the first time, please register here.
Publication guidelines are available here.
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