Visual culture seminar: The aesthetic lessons of the strawberry trees – magic and charms

On May 9, at 6 p.m., in the Community Urban Garden of Lameiras and in the STOL/UMinho Garden, the visual culture seminar “The aesthetic lessons of strawberry trees – magic and charms” will take place, with the participation of Ana Cristina Costa and Alexandra Nobre.

In a partnership between Passeio and GICCA (Researchers Group on Communication, Science and Environment), this seminar seeks to stimulate the perception of colours, smells, textures, flavours, as well as curious aspects, torn or hidden in a short tour.

The walk will start at the Lameiras Communitarian Urban Vegetable Garden (Rua Cónego Avelino Jesus Costa 40, 4715-405 Nogueiró, Braga), and will continue along Av. Dom João II towards the University of Minho, having as its destination the Vegetable Garden of this institution, which is located next to the Social Action Services.

Ana Cristina Costa, with a degree in Biology and Geology from the University of Minho, is responsible for Education for Sustainable Development, in the Environment Department of Braga City Hall, where she is in charge. She directs the Braga Centre of ASPEA (Portuguese Association for Environmental Education).

Alexandra Nobre, Biologist and Professor at the Department of Biology (DB) of the University of Minho, where she teaches Microbiology/Microbial Biotechnology, an area in which she did her Masters (Instituto Superior Técnico) and PhD (University of Minho). For the last 12 years, she has been coordinating STOL-Science Through Our Lives, a Science Communication project of the Department of Biology, which develops different types of activities (workshops, exhibitions, gatherings, science fairs, creation of content such as board games, among others) for very different audiences. For a little over a year STOL has been cultivating a vegetable garden for educational purposes and as a source of resources for classes and Science Communication activities.

[Posted: 26-04-2023]