“The research project: from the idea to the work plan” is the theme of the next Doctoral Seminar on Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies. The session will be conducted by Madalena Oliveira and transmitted by Zoom.
Madalena Oliveira received her PhD in Communication Sciences in 2007, at the University of Minho, where she also obtained a degree in Social Communication in 2001. She regularly teaches Semiotics, Communication and Languages, Journalism and Journalism and Sound.
She is an integrated member of CECS, assistant coordinator of the Observatory for Communication and Culture Policies (PolObs) and editorial coordinator of the electronic (non-periodical) publications of this research unit.
In recent years, she has been developing scientific research work on sound culture and radio studies. She is the principal investigator of the project “Audire – Audio Repository: saving sound memories”, funded by FCT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032159) and was also the coordinator of the project “Estação NET: shaping radio for the web environment” (concluded in April 2015), also financed by FCT (PTDC / CCI-COM / 122384/2010).
She is Vice President of Sopcom. She founded the Working Group “Radio and Sound Media” of this association, which she coordinated until 2017. She was vice-chair, between 2012 and 2014, and chair, between 2014 and 2018, of the Radio section of ECREA.