Doctoral Seminar on “Scientific Writing”

The first PhD Seminar on Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies of the 2021-2022 academic year will take place on 18 February, at 2.30 p.m., in the Hall of Acts of the Institute of Social Sciences. Moisés de Lemos Martins, professor at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Minho, is the guest speaker; “Scientific Writing” is the theme.

Moisés de Lemos Martins is Full Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Minho. He directs the Communication and Society Research Centre, which he founded in 2001.
He is the Editor of the journals Comunicação e Sociedade and Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies. He holds a PhD from the University of Strasbourg in Social Sciences (Sociology). He has published in the area of Sociology of Culture, Social Semiotics, Sociology of Communication, Visual Semiotics, Intercultural Communication and Lusophone Studies. He directed for ten years the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho (from 1996 to 2000, and from 2004 to 2010).
Candidate for Rector of the University of Minho, in 2006, he was the first Director of the PhD course in Communication Sciences, University of Minho (2009-2011); of the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies, a consortium between University of Minho and University of Aveiro (2010 to 2015); and of the PhD Program Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society, between 2013 and 2015, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology, which involves six Portuguese research centres, from five universities. He was president of Sopcom – Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences, from 2005 to 2015; Lusocom – Federation of Lusophone Associations of Communication Sciences, from 2011 to 2015; and Confibercom – Ibero-American Confederation of Scientific and Academic Communication Associations, from 2012 to 2015.
Among his main publications are: Crise no Castelo da Cultura. Das Estrelas para os Ecrãs (2017, 2011); A Linguagem, a Verdade e o Poder. Ensaio de Semiótica Social (2017, 2002); Para uma Inversa Navegação. O Discurso da Identidade (1996); O Olho de Deus no Discurso Salazarista (2016, 1990); A Internacionalização das Comunidades Lusófonas e Ibero-Americanas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. O Caso das Ciências da Comunicação (2017); Lusofonia e Interculturalidade – Promessa e Travessia (2015); Do Post ao Postal (with Maria da Luz Correia, 2014); Os Postais Ilustrados na Vida da Comunidade (2017); Figurações da Morte nos Média e na Cultura. Entre o Estranho e o Familiar (with Maria da Luz Correia, Paulo Bernardo Vaz and Elton Antunes, 2017); Sentidos da Morte na Vida da Mídia (with Maria da Luz Correia, Paulo Bernardo Vaz and Elton Antunes, 2017); Imagem e Pensamento (with José Bragança de Miranda, Madalena Oliveira and Jacinto Godinho, 2017, 2011); L’Imaginaire des Médias (with Michel Maffesoli, 2011); Portugal Ilustrado em Postais (with Madalena Oliveira, 2011).
In 2016, the University of Minho awarded him the Scientific Merit Award.

The session will be broadcast online on the CECS YouTube page.

[Posted: 10-02-2022]