Doctoral seminar on “Museums in Mozambique: from crossroads to crossroads, (re) thinking the future”

On the 9th of April, at 10:00 am, the next Doctoral Seminar on Communication Sciences and Cultural Studies will take place. Alda Costa, professor at Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, is the guest; “Museums of Mozambique: from crossroads to crossroads, (re) thinking the future” is the theme.

Alda Costa was born in Pemba, Mozambique, in 1953. She worked as a museologist in the Museum Department of the Ministry of Culture, which she headed between 1986 and 2001, and with which, until now, she collaborates. She was President of the Installing Committee of the Instituto Superior de Artes e Cultura/ISArC (2007-09). She is currently Director of Culture at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo.
Her academic training was done in History (1976) and Museology having completed (2005/2006) the PhD in Art History with a thesis on modern and contemporary art in Mozambique (c.1932-2004). Her professional experience also includes, among other areas, teaching and curriculum planning. Its publications include textbooks on history and history teaching, articles, chapters and texts on cultural heritage, museums, museography/museology and art in books, exhibition catalogues and specialized publications.

The session will take place through the Zoom platform.

[Posted: 06-04-2021]