MILObs Seminar on Educommunication in Brazil

The Permanent Seminar of Education for the Media is back, with a new name. It will be titled from now on – and following the official launch of MILObs last July – MILObs Seminar – Observatory on Media, Information and Literacy.

The first session of this academic year will be held next Thursday, November 22, at 2:30 p.m., in the Auditorium of Engineering of the University of Minho (building in front of the ICS) and will be energized by Rafael Gué Martini.

Researcher and educommunicator, Rafael will talk about Educommunication in Brazil and about the perspectives of an intervention of this field, from a review of its concepts. As it itself conveys, the approach will start from “practical experiences with audio-scripto-visual language in the promotion of Media and Information Literacy (AMI) in socio-environmental projects and schools in Brazil. These experiences enabled the development of methodological strategies and reflections on Educommunication Pedagogical Practices (PPE), focusing on meaningful learning. Among these strategies and reflections will be addressed: the pedagogy of projects; the video forum; creative workshops; multi-session work; team x class; and learning-teaching. From these issues will be discussed the new possibilities of application of Educommunication in Brazil and in other countries. ”

Rafael Gué Martini holds a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Minho, a professor of Education and Communication at the State University of Santa Catarina / UDESC and vice-leader of the Educom Floripa / CNPq research group.

[Text published 16-11-2018]