The CECS and the Operational Unit in Electronic Governance, of the United Nations University, will organize a seminar on “Civil Participation in Internet Governance” on April 5 (3:00 p.m.), in the amphitheater of the School of Engineering (UMinho – Campus de Gualtar). The initiative is supported by the Sopcom (Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences) Economy and Communications Policy Working Group.
How is the Internet regulated in Portugal and in the world? What principles, interests and debates guides the digital world today? Between the citizen-user and the big companies, passing through the States, the Internet is the constituent of the world in which we live and builds the world in which we live. Researchers Janara Sousa and Sérgio Denicoli will present the perspectives on the Internet governance issue, which will be discussed from the point of view of the Law, by Joana Rita Abreu, and from the Information Systems point of view, by Luís Amaral.