The Observatory on Science, Communication and Culture Policies (POLObs) of Universidade do Minho promotes the Permanent Seminar “Sociomuseology and the role of the UNESCO/Lusophone Chair on Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity” on 29 November, at 5 pm.
From the contemporary problems of Museology and Education, the Chair widens its interdisciplinary perspective to embrace the areas of Cultural Accessibility; Intersectionality: Gender, Race and Class; Culture and Heritage; Politics, Citizenship and Human Rights; Social Memory, in line with the assumptions of the reciprocity of knowledge based on Citizen Science.
Judite Primo, UNESCO Chair in “Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity”, sociomuseology professor at the Lusófona University and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development – CeiED, is the guest speaker. The seminar will be moderated by Patrícia Dorneles, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy at UFRJ, lecturer in Cultural Accessibility and Occupational Therapy and Popular Education and Health.
Judite Primo has a PhD in Education from the Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (2007), a Masters in Museology from the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (2000) and a Degree in Museology from the Universidade Federal da Bahia (1996). She is a Senior Researcher at FCT – CeiED where she is developing the project “Theory and Practice of Sociomuseology”.
The event will be online, via Zoom.