POLObs seminar on “Journalism: a profession at risk?”

The Permanent Seminar on Science, Communication and Culture Policies resumes the agenda this October, on the 26th, at 4 pm, with the theme “Journalism: a profession at risk?”. For this meeting, we invite the professor and researcher from ISCSP at the University of Lisbon, Paulo Martins.

The meeting will discuss the scenario of increasing insecurity in Journalism and journalistic practice in Portugal in the context of a pandemic. How to consider the current public communication and media management policies? Thinking, discussing and envisioning new ways of the profession are among the objectives of this session promoted by POLObs – Observatory of Science, Communication and Culture Policies.

The session will be held remotely by the Zoom platform and broadcast on the CECS Facebook page.

Questions and comments can be previously sent to polobs@ics.uminho.pt.

If you would like to receive more information about POLObs/CECS activities, click here.

[Posted: 20-10-2020]