Seminar on intercultural communication in perspective: views on the “migration crisis” and cultural coverage in Brazil and Portugal

The session of the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Diversity brings together two investigations that focus on different perspectives of communication and intercultural dialogue. PhD student Cláudio Abdo (CECS) will make a presentation focused on perceptions about the migratory crisis in Braga (Portugal) and PhD student Mariana Müller (CECS / ICNOVA) will present an analysis of the journalistic coverage of culture in Brazil and Portugal.

The session will also be attended by Dora Santos Silva (ICNOVA) and Maria José Brites (CICANT) as facilitators and moderators. The session will take place on February 24, at 2 pm, through the Zoom platform.

Refugees in Braga: perceptions about the migratory crisis in Europe, with Cláudio Abdo

The migratory crisis in Europe accounts for millions of refugees and asylum seekers and is responsible for the largest displacement of people as refugees on the continent since the end of World War II. However, Portugal is not among the main European countries in number of refugees. In this way, this communication analyzes how Portuguese citizens living in the city of Braga perceive refugees and how the media influence this perception. Through conducting semi-structured and in-depth interviews, the doctoral thesis entitled “The migratory crisis in Europe: a look at refugees in Braga, Northern Portugal” was carried out. The work was carried out under the 4th Edition of the FCT PhD in Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society at the University of Minho, and the research was funded by FCT.

Journalistic coverage of culture in Brazil and Portugal, with Mariana Müller

This communication presents a doctoral investigation that approaches, from an analytical point of view, the cultural coverage of two countries with relations that started in the colonial period, Brazil and Portugal. The study is structured from a cross look: references to Brazil are sought in the cultural coverage of the Portuguese newspaper Público and to Portugal in the Brazilian Folha de São Paulo. Content Analysis and semi-structured interviews were used in order to map editorial standards, understand aspects of the professional routine that affect the construction of the pieces and identify similarities and differences in the coverage of the two newspapers. “The journalistic coverage of culture in Folha de São Paulo and in Público (2012-2018): a cross look between Brazil and Portugal” is a thesis developed within the scope of the FCT doctoral program “Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society” at University of Minho with financial support from FCT.

Cláudio Abdo has a bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Publicity, Communication Specialist, Master in Communication Sciences and PhD student in Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society (UMinho/UBI/ISCTE/Ulusófona). He is a fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and a researcher at CECS. He published the book “Morar fora: feelings of those who decided to leave” (2017), founded the website Vaga pelo Mundo and presents the podcast Partiu Morar Fora.

Mariana Scalabrin Müller is a doctoral student in the FCT Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society program. She has a scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), a researcher at CECS and ICNOVA. She is a journalist and master in Communication and Information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). She worked as a reporter and editor for five years. She has been dedicated to investigating journalistic coverage of culture since 2013.

Dora Santos Silva is an Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH, in the Communication Sciences department. Graduated in Communication Sciences, Master in Contemporary Culture and New Technologies (both at NOVA FCSH) and PhD in Digital Media by the international program UT Austin | Portugal, at NOVA FCSH. She is the author of the book “Culture and Cultural Journalism – Trends and Challenges in the context of the cultural and creative industries”. She coordinates the Post-Graduation in Communication of Culture and Creative Industries, the communication project of culture + Lisbon (in the editorial side) and is a researcher at ICNOVA. Her research focuses on media innovation, cultural communication, cultural journalism, and cultural and creative industries.

Maria José Brites is an associate professor at Universidade Lusófona do Porto (ULP) and a researcher at the Center for Research in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies (CICANT). She coordinated the RadioActive Europe project in Portugal. She is a member of three research networks (COST IS1401 European Literacy Network – where he coordinates the Digital Literacy Team, COST IS1410 DigitLitEY and CA15212: Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy and innovation across Europe) and two projects (News like Democratic Resources: Cross-Cultural Comparative Research and Digital Literacy for Young Children and Multimodal Practices). She completed her PhD in Communication Sciences (2013) at the NOVA University of Lisbon.

[Posted: 10-02-2021]