Seminar on “Cultural Policies and Heritage: educational sectors in comparison”

The Seminar on “Cultural Policies and Heritage: educational sectors in comparison – considerations on Brazil and Portugal” will take place on January 5 at 4 pm. The session will have as guest José Roberto Severino, from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in Brazil.

The seminar, organised by POLObs, will be in a hybrid format with online access via Zoom and on-site in the Sala de Reuniões of the Institute of Social Sciences.

José Roberto Severino is graduated in History (UNIVALI, 1991), Master in History (UFSC, 1998) and PhD in History (FFLCH/USP, 2004) and post-doctorate in History (USP, 2015/2016). Associate Professor at UFBA, he has experience in the area of History, focusing on the History of Culture, acting mainly in the following areas of knowledge: history, communication and cultural policies. Professor at the Faculty of Communication and the Multidisciplinary Programme of Graduate Studies in Culture and Society at UFBA. He is a researcher at the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies in Culture – CULT and Diversitas/USP. He develops research and extension in cultural heritage and cultural and audiovisual production related to social memory. Member of the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policies and Management at Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa. His research focuses on cultural policies and heritage; cultural activism and ancestry; cultural policies in migratory contexts; cultural production in traditional and native communities; participatory management of culture.

[Posted: 22-12-2022]