Between February and May, several sessions of the seminar “History(s) of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world”.
– On 10 February, Nicole Bourbonnais will participate with the theme “Spreading the good news: the missionaries of family planning and the end of empire”, followed by Damiano Matasci with the theme “Governing nature? Inter-imperial institutions and scientific cooperation in late colonialism in Africa”.
– On 16 March, Alexander Keese will present “Interpreting the history of (Lusophone) Africa: transformations in the 20th century”.
– On 5 April, Ana Guardião will present “Humanitarian turns for development: the case of Angolan refugees in Congo-Leopoldville, 1961-1975”, followed by Marie Luce Desgrandchamps, with “Africa, Africans and the Red Cross: assessing the impact of the Second World War”.
– On May 30, Andrew Thompson will present “Humanitarianism and human rights: a troubled relationship?”
Organised by Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo and José Pedro Monteiro, this presentation explores the colonial and decolonial dynamics of the UNESCO world heritage concept.
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