The doctoral exams in Communication Sciences by Sílvia Raquel Barros Pinto were held on September 15 (2:30 p.m.), in the ICS (Social Sciences Institute) Sala de Atos of the University of Minho, in Braga. The thesis is supervised by Nelson Zagalo (ICS-UMinho) and Lia Raquel Oliveira (IE-UMinho), and is entitled ” The Storytelling as Pedagogical Process of Artistic-Cultural Ownership: Journey Into Hieronymus Bosch’s Work Mediated by a Tangible Surface”.
The investigation of the new PhD started from the development of a multimedia solution prototype that aims to create a new communication model to be used in art museums. As benefits of using the model presented came the impact generated by the construction of significant learning relative to reading and the consolidation of knowledge about the artwork. Sílvia Raquel Barros Pinto explains the idea: “This process of getting closer and connecting with the artwork allows for a greater involvement of the public and suggests the development of individual experiences and/or of collaborative experiences that can be continued in time and virtual space, namely on Facebook”. In this manner, from this model it is hoped to be the making of a kind of creative lab, where people can adopt a critical, creative and above all an experimental stance. For the development of this project we selected the work of painter Hieronymus Bosch.
The panel of examiners was chaired by the ICS president, Helena Sousa, representing UMinho’s dean, and the following members:
– Adérito Fernandes Marcos, Full Professor at Universidade Aberta (Lisbon);
– Albertino Gonçalves, Full Lecturer with Habillation at UMinho’s Sociology Department (Institute of Social Sciences) and investigator at CECS;
– Sara Pereira, Full Lecturer at UMinho’s Communication Sciences Department (Institute of Social Sciences), and investigaotr at CECS;
– José Carlos de Paiva e Silva, Lecturer at University of Porto
– Nelson Zagalo, Lecturer at UMinho’s Institute of Social Sciences
Text: Vítor de Sousa
Photo: Marta Barbosa