Third session of the ‘Ágora de Cá’ cycle

On May 22, at 6.30 pm, the third session of the Ágora de Cá cycle, from the series ‘What can Art do?’, will be held at Zet Gallery. The sub-theme of the session will be ‘Potentiate, open up, revolutionise?’, including a debate on art education in Portugal and the revolution that came before and after April 1974.

The debate, moderated by journalist Isabel Lucas, will feature lyrical singer Elisabete Matos; Helena Lima, head of the Orquestra Geração; visual artist João Tabarra, who stars in the exhibition ‘Teimosamente persisto em adorar a liberdade livre’ (I stubbornly persist in adoring free freedom), on show at zet gallery; and Suzana Leite, regional coordinator of the National Arts Plan.

The project is organised by Zet Gallery in partnership with Passeio, with the support of dstgroup and the University of Minho’s Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS).

[Posted: 14-05-2024]