“Terra Sonâmbula: reflexões”

The past March 21 was marked by the presence of about 60 students from the Carlos Amarante Schools Group at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho. The “Terra Sonâmbula: reflexões” activity took place within the scope of the partnership established between the “Leituras são Atos” Project, the Carlos Amarante Schools Group, and the Virtual Museum of Lusophony, the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS).

The event began with a brief presentation of CECS and the Virtual Museum of Lusophone by its director, Moisés de Lemos Martins. Teachers Beatriz Macedo and Alexandra Romero, from the Carlos Amarante School, spoke about the project “Leituras são Atos”, which has literatures and Lusophone cultures as the central axis of intervention.

It was proposed to the students the reading of the first chapter of Mia Couto’s work “Terra Sonâmbula” (1992), followed by a preview of the corresponding excerpt from the film with the same name by Teresa Prata (2007).

In the labs, the students continued the narrative, discussing in the group about the outcome of the story. This activity had as the objective that the students, at times, put themselves in the place of the “Other”, thinking about its history and its daily life.

This initiative took place within the framework of the Scientifically Probable Program, to which CECS has partnered, and was supported by the project “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?” FCT and the Aga Khan Development Network.

[Posted: 26-03-2019]