The programme for the Training School: ‘COMICSNeT – Climate, Outreach, Migration, Intersectionality, New Technologies in/through Comics Studies’ is now available. The scientific event will be held between September 9 and 10 in the Sala de Atos of the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Minho.
The aim of this training school is to bring together specialists in the field of Comics Studies and researchers and professionals at doctoral, post-doctoral or other stages interested in deepening their understanding of how the interdisciplinarity, porosity and multimodality of comics can be used as a tool to include in research projects in the areas of humanities and social sciences, in the Ibero-American context and beyond.
In particular, the aim is to take stock of recent studies that show the capacity of graphic narratives and comics to represent and problematise multifaceted phenomena that punctuate contemporary societies. The school will focus on how methodological approaches from the humanities and social sciences are enriched and, in turn, illuminate the intersection of comics with issues such as climate change (Sidney 2020; Puchner 2022; Baile López, Caraballo and Rovira-Collado 2022), migratory flows (Davies and Rifkind 2020; Serrano 2021), gender-related issues (Goldberg 20017; Chute 2010; Cox 2021), the emergence and mass dissemination of new technologies (Berry 2015; Kashtan 2018).
Session transmitted via Zoom